It's been a while! Hi, how are you? What's life been like since I left? I always have such great intentions with this space because it's the perfect outlet for me to share more about the behind-the-scenes of this business, but as a mother of 3 with only a little bit of help, I have a hard time finding the time to sit down and write.
Honestly, what has hit me the most was coming off of Zoloft. I have been transparent about my mental health journey and the meds I took during postpartum with Lily, but I haven't shared about how hard it was to come off those meds. They worked wonderfully for me & do so longterm for some people, but in hindsight, I wish I had listened to my gut (which is VERY large now due to the weight I gained!) and went just the therapy route.
All that aside – it could be a blog post all its own – I have finally come back to "me", not that I really know who I am right now as I enter the 12th year of being a mother, but I feel more myself than I have since my second trimester loss back in 2021. I have been trying to be patient with myself as I navigate this new life of mine, especially with SAA because it's so different than it's been the past 6-8 years with this business. Things change and that's okay, but I need to learn how to roll with those changes.

That brings me to some of the biggest changes this year, and I have been wanting to share them all with you, but again – time – I never seem to have enough of it. I'm going to start a series to share those changes starting today, and here's an overview of what I'll be chatting about.
Where's Arleen?
What are the days like with SAA?
How's Lily? I hear you're on an autism journey with her.
Homeschooling Leia? What changed with her public school
What's the future hold for SAA?
When are FABRIC designs coming?
Feel free to comment below to let me know what you want to hear about first or to add to the list! I am open to sharing about our business, our life, and everything in between (within reason, of course!). So go ahead and ask your questions, or simply stay tuned for tomorrow's post. I'm excited to share everything with you and engage with this space again!