Never Stop Making Art

Never Stop Making Art

I bought these naturally hand dyed fabrics remnants a long while back from my amazingly talented friend Jess who owns @wild_fire_water_ 🌿 I remember it vividly because she was having a story sale to help fund a family emergency at the time 💪🏻 I love supporting my friends whenever I’m able & I knew I could put her gorgeous hand dyed textiles to good use.
They sat in my “someday” bin for a very long time until one day, when I was VERY newly pregnant, I decided to pull them out & piece them together. I had no plan for what I was doing… I was just feeling creative & wanted to get this idea out of my head.
Fast forward to over a year later 🌈 the baby from said pregnancy is here safe & sound, I found the project I did tucked away back in the “someday” bin & decided to cut it up into bonnets. I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do with it - I actually thought I’d make a bassinet quilt but then never did.
That’s why this audio is so perfect because I thought it would make nice bonnets last year when I initially made it but it’s so different from what I normally do I didn’t know how it’d be received - but then again does that really matter because I LOVE THEM! I’m so glad I just pushed myself to “just make things” - I can often get in my own way & now that I’ve finally seen these textiles brought to life & cannot wait to do more.
So, guys, this is your sign to just do the thing - pick up the watercolors, start that workout program, pull out that project you’ve been putting off. Just get started & if your outlet is art like it is mine - just create to create - no need to MAKE a finished project every time. You might end up like me & use what you created a whole year later & have it send you on yet another creative journey.
These bonnets are releasing sometime tomorrow with a few other OOAK gems - be sure to keep an eye on your inboxes & text notifications! You don’t want to miss these!
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