It’s true! Mom had the idea of making embroidered bonnets when we first opened this shop in 2016. We invested in a very expensive embroidery sewing machine & some patterns thinking we were going to do machine embroidery on bonnet panels. I still remember those first days pouring through & saving designs, photoshopping them onto bonnets - I was just so excited about this new idea we had.
And then the machine stopped working. We’d purchased it locally & luckily it had a 30 day return policy - it was a nightmare we were not ready to take on. Sewing machines are like cars, they need constant maintenance & the idea of having to keep this machine working while also learning how to use it was way too daunting. We quickly returned it for a full refund & I’ll be honest, I was really bummed about it. I was so inspired by the idea of embroidered bonnets & I hadn’t really seen anything like it on this platform.
Then one day I thrifted a vintage blouse that had embroidery on it. I cut the bonnet sides & saved the scalloped edge to make a ruffle - it was a gorgeous bonnet (if I can find the photos I’ll share them to stories) 🌸 well, it sparked an idea for Mom - what if we upcycled embroidery? Having a Swedish background we were no stranger to embroidered textiles so the hunt began & continues to this day. Now we have upcycled so many vintage linens into beautiful bonnets it’s hard to keep track of them all!
I often think back to those days with the embroidery machine. What if it wasn’t a faulty machine? What if we’d kept it & continued on with our initial idea? To think of all the amazing bonnets that wouldn’t have come to life actually makes me a little sad. It’s proof that things happen for a reason & after 7 we still make the best embroidered bonnets because of our attention to detail. You guys love them so much ❤️ (and we love you!) Shop the sale & get some HUGE saving! It ends tomorrow at midnight!